Friday, 22 February 2013

Forthcoming event: PLATFORM

Friday 15 March 11am - 6pm
229 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1NY 

A one-off event for postgraduate students undertaking academic and practice-based research in creative and humanities disciplines. Who are you and how do you work? That's what we want to know.

Platform will provide a space for postgraduates to share and discuss ideas and practice at different stages of development and to learn about the work of others. It's an opportunity to discuss your practice in a relaxed informal atmosphere, meet other research students in the South Wales area and to explore new opportunities for collaboration.

Those who wish to attend and contribute to the event can get involved in different ways. Presentations don't have to be confined to traditional academic or slide-show formats and can be given as performances, film screenings, discussions, practical workshops or demonstrations, walks, pecha-kucha...  Platform is a chance to develop your voice as a creative academic and will be structured in response to the work that is presented. The event will also include facilitated practical sessions focusing on cross-discipline collaboration.

FREE BUT BOOKING ESSENTIAL. To register please email

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